Snoring. It’s not a humorous subject for many of us. No one wants their sleep to be disrupted by their own snoring, or to be the brunt of awful snoring jokes – and, of course, no one wants to keep their partner awake at night because they snore.


It’s a touchy subject for both sides. And, on occasion, a source of significant strain in relationships.


If we could just “stop snoring,” that would be great. Unfortunately, it isn’t that straightforward. Before you can easily stop snoring, you must first comprehend snoring and the causes of snoring.





When we sleep, air cannot move freely through our nose and throat, resulting in snoring. This causes the surrounding tissues to vibrate, resulting in the familiar snuffling and vibrating sound.


What causes snoring in the first place? Nasal congestion, obesity, and alcohol are just a few of the causes. Snorers are also thought to have too much throat or nasal tissue, which makes the area more susceptible to vibration.


One of the most common reasons for snoring is alcohol, with late-night drinking increasing the risk. Certain sleeping pills and muscle relaxants cause the tissues to relax more than usual, causing the area to become floppy and vibrate.


It’s also possible that your sleeping position is a factor. When you sleep on your back, your throat muscles and tongue relax, allowing the tongue to slide further down the throat and compress the airways, causing snoring or making snoring worse.


Allergens can also cause snoring by inflaming the mucosal membranes, which causes the airways to narrow.




There is no such thing as a “snoring cure,” but there are numerous effective snoring treatments. However, before you attempt to remedy your (or your partner’s) snoring, you must first determine what is causing it, which necessitates a diagnosis from your doctor or a sleep specialist.


The following suggestions may help you stop snoring naturally, depending on your diagnosis.



Changes in lifestyle:


Alcohol consumption can exacerbate snoring, so limit or avoid it in the evenings.

Before going to bed, take a hot shower to assist cleanse and opening your airways.

Quit smoking– nonsmokers are more prone to snore than smokers.

If you have allergies, avoid foods or beverages that aggravate them, and keep the room clean, dusty, and change the pillows on a regular basis to reduce the number of allergens. We also recommend using a Salin Plus Salt Therapy Device to help eliminate dust and pollen from the air you breathe while sleeping.

Avoid sleeping on your back – sleeping on your back is believed to worsen snoring, therefore finding a strategy to avoid it is recommended.

When lying on your side, a body cushion to cuddle might make a big difference. It’s also a good idea to tape a tennis ball or other small ball to your back to break the habit. Alternately, raise the mattress’s head so that your head is somewhat higher than your feet.

Losing weight can aid in the opening of the airways. It’s crucial to remember, however, that some slim persons snore as well.
Stay hydrated — dehydration makes your soft palate stickier, which facilitates snoring.


Stop snoring devices


The VitalSleep anti-snoring mouthpiece reduces snoring by keeping your lower jaw forward and allowing air to flow easily to your lungs. You'll have a better airflow, quieter breathing, and more peaceful sleep with a clearer airway.


The FDA has approved VitalSleep for the reduction of snoring, and it is made of FDA-approved, medical-grade materials, so you can be confident that it is both safe and effective.


For more information about the VitalSleep anti-snoring mouthpiece and the harmful effects of snoring on one's health and well-being, CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW AND FIND MORE INFORMATION.